Results for 'Dr Mark Frankel'

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  1.  27
    Treading on hallowed ground.Dr Mark D. Williams & Charles B. Rodning - 1996 - Journal of Medical Humanities 17 (2):103-118.
  2.  25
    Naming the God beyond names: Wisdom from the tradition on the old problem of God‐language.Mark S. Burrows & Dr Mark S. Burrows - 1993 - Modern Theology 9 (1):37-53.
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    A Philosophy of Boredom.Mark Frankel - 2012 - Philosophy Now 89:42-43.
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    Promoting Ethical Standards In Science and Engineering.Mark S. Frankel - 1996 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 5 (1):119-123.
  5. Private interests count too.Mark S. Frankel - 2009 - Science and Engineering Ethics 15 (3):367-373.
    Along with concerns about the deleterious effects of politically driven government intervention on science are the intrusion of private sector interests into the conduct of research and the reporting of its results. Scientists are generally unprepared for the challenges posed by private interests seeking to advance their economic, political, or ideological agendas. They must educate and prepare themselves for assaults on scientific freedom, not because it is a legal right, but rather because social progress depends on it.
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    A Philosophy of Fear.Mark Frankel - 2011 - Philosophy Now 84:41-43.
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  7. Scientific Societies as Sentinels of Responsible Research Conduct2 (msssd).Mark S. Frankel - forthcoming - Research Ethics.
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    Secrets.Mark S. Frankel - 1985 - Teaching Philosophy 8 (2):174-176.
  9.  14
    III. Codes of Ethics in the Social Sciences: Two Recent Surveys: B. Research Report: Ethics and Political Science Research: the Results of a Survey of Political Science Associations.Mark S. Frankel - 1977 - Science, Technology and Human Values 2 (1):18-19.
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    Evaluating Science and Scientists.Mark S. Frankel & Jane Cave (eds.) - 1997 - Central European University Press.
    The shift to a market economy in post-communist Eastern Europe has had a profound impact on science and scientists across the region, leading to reforms in research management practices and to drastic cuts in funding levels everywhere. Many countries are moving to a system of competitive research grants awarded on the basis of peer review. The introduction of peer review is not simply a technical matter. It signifies a fundamental change in the social structure of science, enhancing profession-al autonomy and (...)
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    The role of scientific societies in promoting research integrity.Mark S. Frankel & Stephanie J. Bird - 2003 - Science and Engineering Ethics 9 (2):139-140.
  12.  22
    Parental sex preferences: The missing data.Mark S. Frankel - 1974 - Hastings Center Report 4 (3):4-4.
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    Commentary on “scientific societies and whistleblowers: The relationship between the community and the individual” (d.M. Mcknight).Mark S. Frankel - 1998 - Science and Engineering Ethics 4 (1):119-121.
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    Commentary: Public Outreach by the FDA: Evaluating Oversight of Human Drugs and Medical Devices.Mark S. Frankel - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (4):625-628.
    As nanotechnology emerges as an important public policy issue, the FDA's relationship with society is about to be tested. Most would agree that fostering public input will be critical to developing effective public policy for nanotechnology. Yet, it will not be easy. Low public confidence in the FDA, the general lack of knowledge about nanotechnology among ordinary Americans, and the way in which the “average” citizen obtains and evaluates knowledge about a public policy issue all pose serious challenges to any (...)
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    Introduction.Mark S. Frankel, Rachel Gray, Gary T. Marks & Barbara Simons - 1999 - Science and Engineering Ethics 5 (3):395-402.
    Editors’ Note: A major goal of Science and Engineering Ethics is to promote discussion of the ethical issues raised by various aspects of science and engineering, both within the pages of this journal and beyond. We are beginning a series of case presentations and discussions in the Educational Forum. We invite readers to respond to the case and accompanying commentaries, and to submit other cases and commentaries for future publication. We look forward to hearing from you. — S. J. Bird, (...)
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  16. Professional codes: Why, how, and with what impact? [REVIEW]Mark S. Frankel - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (2-3):109 - 115.
    A tension between the professions' pursuit of autonomy and the public's demand for accountability has led to the development of codes of ethics as both a foundation and guide for professional conduct in the face of morally ambiguous situations. The profession as an institution serves as a normative reference group for individual practitioners and through a code of ethics clarifies, for both its members and outsiders, the norms that ought to govern professional behavior. Three types of codes can be identified (...)
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  17. V. Comments and Discussion.Mark S. Frankel - 1988 - Science, Engineering and Ethics: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions: Report on a Aaas Workshop and Symposium, February 1988 88 (28):61.
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  18. Inheritable Genetic Modification and a Brave New World: Did Huxley Have It Wrong?Mark S. Frankel - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (2):31-36.
    What makes inheritable genetic modification attractive is not its ability to treat disease, but its capacity, someday, to enhance human traits beyond what mere good health requires. But, these discoveries will not be imposed on us by government, as Huxley thought. If they take over our lives, it will be because they were sold to us on the open market, as commodities we cannot do without.
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    Cryobanking of human sperm.Mark S. Frankel - 1975 - Journal of Medical Ethics 1 (1):36-38.
    This brief essay discusses some of the medical and social uses of banking human semen as well as many of the ethical issues which emerge from the application of this technology.
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  20.  36
    Grounding Professional Ethics in a Pluralistic Society. [REVIEW]Mark S. Frankel - 1983 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 2 (4):105-111.
  21.  27
    Salvations: A more pluralistic hypothesis.Dr S. Mark Heim - 1994 - Modern Theology 10 (4):341-360.
  22.  54
    Scientific societies and research integrity: What are they doing and how well are they doing it?Margot Iverson, Mark S. Frankel & Sanyin Siang - 2003 - Science and Engineering Ethics 9 (2):141-158.
    Scientific societies can play an important role in promoting ethical research practices among their members, and over the past two decades several studies have addressed how societies perform this role. This survey continues this research by examining current efforts by scientific societies to promote research integrity among their members. The data indicate that although many of the societies are working to promote research integrity through ethics codes and activities, they lack rigorous assessment methods to determine the effectiveness of their efforts.
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    Zwischen Krankheitsbehandlung und Wunscherfüllung: Anti-Aging-Medizin und der Leistungsumfang solidarisch zu tragender Gesundheitsversorgung. [REVIEW]Mark Schweda & Prof Dr Georg Marckmann - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (3):179-191.
    Die wachsende Nachfrage nach Anti-Aging-Medizin wirft die Frage auf, welche medizinischen Leistungen ein solidarisches Gesundheitssystem tragen sollte. Die deutsche Entscheidungspraxis beruft sich auf den Begriff der Krankheit. Im Blick auf Anti-Aging wäre demnach 1) zu klären, was der Krankheitsbegriff bedeutet, 2) zu prüfen, ob das Altern sich unter diesen Begriff subsumieren lässt, um 3) abzuleiten, inwieweit Anti-Aging-Maßnahmen zur Verfügung zu stellen sind. Dieses Prozedere führt jedoch zu keinem brauchbaren Ergebnis. Unter Berufung auf den Krankheitsbegriff allein ist der Umfang solidarischer Gesundheitsversorgung (...)
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    Transition and Permanence: Chinese History and Culture, A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Hsiao Kung-chʿüanTransition and Permanence: Chinese History and Culture, A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Hsiao Kung-chuan.Hans H. Frankel, David C. Buxbaum & Frederick W. Mote - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (2):337.
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  25. Dr. Daedalus and His Minotaur: Mythic Warnings about Genetic Engineering from J.B.S. Haldane, François Jacob, and Andrew Niccol's Gattaca.Mark Jeffreys - 2001 - Journal of Medical Humanities 22 (2):137-152.
    We are entering an era in which “cultural construction of the body” refers to a literal technological enterprise. This era was anticipated in the 1920s by geneticist J. B. S. Haldane in a lecture which inspired Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. In that lecture, Haldane reinterpreted the Greek myth of Daedalus and the Minotaur as heroic fable. Seventy years later another geneticist, François Jacob, used the same myth as cautionary tale. Here I explain the Minotaur's “genetic” monstrosity in terms of (...)
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    Recollections of Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross at the University of Chicago.Mark Siegler - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (12):1-2.
    Volume 19, Issue 12, December 2019, Page 1-2.
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    The golden age of American philosophy.Charles Frankel - 1960 - New York,: G. Braziller.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  28. The biopsychosocial approach: past, present, and future.Richard M. Frankel, Timothy E. Quill & Susan H. McDaniel (eds.) - 2003 - Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
    According to the biopsychosocial model, developed by the late Dr. George Engel, how physicians approach patients and the problems they present is very much ...
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  29.  48
    Ellen Frankel Paul: Property Rights and Eminent Domain. [REVIEW]Mark Sagoff - 1989 - Environmental Ethics 11 (2):179-189.
  30.  14
    Dr. Bosanquet on imitation and selective thinking.J. Mark Baldwin - 1903 - Psychological Review 10 (1):51-63.
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    Fears, Phobias, and Rituals: Panic, Anxiety, and Their Disorders.Isaac Meyer Marks - 1987 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This book draws on fields as diverse as biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, psychology, psychiatry, and ethology, to form a fascinating synthesis of information on the nature of fear and of panic and anxiety disorders. Dr. Marks offers both a detailed discussion of the clinical aspects of fear-related syndromes and a broad exploration of the sources and mechanisms of fear and defensive behavior. Dealing first with normal fear, he establishes a firm, scientific basis for understanding it. He then presents a thorough analysis (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Martes sa Escaler: Klase sa Historiograpiya ni Dr. Zeus Salazar.Mark Joseph Santos & Axle Christien Tugano - 2019 - Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines: Bagong Kasaysayan (BAKAS), Inc..
    Paunang Salita Ang kasalukuyang aklat ay produkto ng masigasig na pagsusumikap ng mga mag-aaral ng BA Kasaysayan sa Politeknikong Unibersidad ng Pilipinas, Sta. Mesa sa ilalim ng klase na Historiograpiya ni Dr. Zeus A. Salazar. Tinatangka nitong maitala para sa salinlahi ang mga kaganapan sa kanilang suplemental na klase tuwing Martes sa Bahay Escaler, ang tahanan ng kanilang Guro. -/- Magkagayumpaman, hindi ito talaga maitatangi sa mahabang kasaysayan ng pagtuturo ni Salazar. Ang pagkakatitikan/pagpapakatitikan higit sa lahat ay isa nang signature (...)
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    Colour and Meaning in Ancient Rome.Mark Bradley - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    The study of colour has become familiar territory in anthropology, linguistics, art history and archaeology. Classicists, however, have traditionally subordinated the study of colour to form. By drawing together evidence from contemporary philosophers, elegists, epic writers, historians and satirists, Mark Bradley reinstates colour as an essential informative unit for the classification and evaluation of the Roman world. He also demonstrates that the questions of what colour was and how it functioned - as well as how it could be misused (...)
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    The Good, the True, the Beautiful: A Multidisciplinary Tribute to Dr. David K. Naugle.Mark J. Boone, Rose M. Cothren, Kevin C. Neece & Jaclyn S. Parrish (eds.) - 2021 - Eugene, OR: Pickwick.
    Dr. David K. Naugle is widely regarded as a leading thinker in the area of Christian worldview formation. As Distinguished University Professor Emeritus at Dallas Baptist University, he has drawn accolades and admiration. -/- This collection in his honor demonstrates that intellectual pursuits are inherently spiritual, that no area of life is separate from the lordship of Christ, and that true Christian faith is in fact the deep fulfillment of the human experience. On topics ranging from linguistics to gardening and (...)
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  35. A tribute to Dr. Normal L. Geisler.Mark M. Hanna - 2016 - In Terry L. Miethe & Norman L. Geisler (eds.), I am put here for the defense of the Gospel: Dr. Norman L. Geisler: a festschrift in his honor. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers.
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    The Contrast of Common and Genitive Cases: The Case of Albanian and English Language.Dr Shkelqim Millaku & Dr Xhevahire Millaku - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:924-929.
    Case is a grammatical category which shows the noun’s relationship to other parts of speech or its function in the sentence. Albanian standard language has five cases and they are: Common case, genitive, dative, accusative and ablative case and English nouns today have only a two-case system: the unmarked common case (book, teacher, boy) and the marked genitive case (book’s, teacher’s, boy’s). In Albanian the possessive cases can be with the definite article i, e, të and së, so between English (...)
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    Teaching and Enhancing Foreign Language Grammar Using Social Media Platforms, and the Strategic Impacts on Students’ Speaking Skills.Dr Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:588-600.
    This research explores an innovative application of social media platforms, particularly Instagram live streaming sessions and language courses on YouTube, to improve proficiency in speaking and grammar of foreign language undergraduates. It investigated the effects of various social media platforms on language competence and to evaluate the relevance of these platforms to language teaching. The study used a pretest-post-test experiment methodology with a sample size of 392 individuals, who were split into groupings: Control and Experimental. To compare the means of (...)
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  38.  12
    Discussion and reports: Dr. Bosanquet on 'imitation'.J. Mark Baldwin - 1902 - Psychological Review 9 (6):597-603.
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  39. Ethics, morality and rockclimbing.Mark Colyvan - unknown
    It seems one can’t open a climbing magazine these days without encountering a barrage of duty statements such as “It is wrong to retro-bolt” or “It is wrong to bolt a new route too close to a naturally protected route”. Such statements are often referred to as examples of ethical debate, however, as we shall see, they are more properly referred to as moral debate. The distinction is not just a pedantic piece of linguistics either, it is, I believe, essential (...)
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  40. Inference and Correlational Truth.Mark Wilson - 2000 - In André Chapuis & Anil Gupta (eds.), Circularity, Definition and Truth. New Delhi: Sole distributor, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
    This is one of those cases to which Dr. 8 oodhouse's remark applies with all its force, that a method which leads to true results must have its logic — H.S Smith (" On Some of the Methods at Present in Use in Pure Geometry," p. 6) A goodly amount of modern metaphysics has concerned itself, in one form or another, with the question: what attitude should we take in regard to a language whose semantic underpinnings seem less than certain? (...)
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    A tribute to the late Dr. W. Michael Hoffman: Putting business ethics theory into practice.Mark S. Schwartz - 2023 - Business and Society Review 128 (4):571-590.
    This article is a tribute to the late Dr. W. Michael Hoffman's life and professional career (1943–2018), including his important contribution to the business ethics academic community, as well as to the practical world of business. Following a brief summary of Dr. Hoffman's professional achievements, several tributes are provided including from Professor Richard De George, columnist Gael O'Brien, and Professor Patricia Werhane. The tributes are followed by synopses of a small sample of Dr. Hoffman's many journal articles published in several (...)
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    The meaning of Marcuse.Robert W. Marks - 1970 - New York,: Ballantine Books.
    To thousands of young people, Marx is the prophet, Mao the sword, and Marcuse the ideological spokesman of the Radical New Left. In The Meaning of Marcuse, Dr. Robert W. Marks, Professor of Philosophy at the New School for Social Research, provides a detailed analysis of Marcuse's most important books--Reason and revolution, Eros and civilization, One-dimensional man, An essay on liberation--and offers the first comprehensive overview of this major 20th century thinker.
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    Dr. Strange and Philosophy: The Other Book of Forbidden Knowledge.William Irwin & Mark D. White (eds.) - 2018 - Wiley.
    Explore the mind and world of the brilliant neurosurgeon-turned-Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Stephen Strange Marvel Comics legends Stan Lee and Steve Ditko first introduced Doctor Stephen Strange to the world in 1963—and his spellbinding adventures have wowed comic book fans ever since. Over fifty years later, the brilliant neurosurgeon-turned-Sorcerer Supreme has finally travelled from the pages of comics to the big screen, introducing a new generation of fans to his mind-bending mysticism and self-sacrificing heroics. In Doctor Strange and Philosophy, Mark (...)
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    Evolution (1998). Mark Ridley (Ed). Oxford University Press, 400pp. $19.95 paperback; ISBN 0192892878. [REVIEW]Prof Dr P. Dullemeijer - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (12):1076-1077.
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    O esplendor da igreja E a fé em Jesus cristo.Prof Dr José Ulisses Leva - 2013 - Revista de Teologia 7 (12):67-77.
    The end of Conciliarism was the Pope's return to Rome and the strengthening of the papacy in the West. The decline of the Roman Empire in the East with the fall of Constantinople in 1453 puts an end to the Medieval period and the emergence of the modern period of history and also of the Church. In the modern period of history began the European overseas expansionism and disintegrate the Church in Europe. The advent of the French revolution in 1789 (...)
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    Blame and its consequences for healthcare professionals: response to Tigard.Elizabeth A. Duthie, Ian C. Fischer & Richard M. Frankel - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (5):339-341.
    Tigard (2019) suggests that the medical community would benefit from continuing to promote notions of individual responsibility and blame in healthcare settings. In particular, he contends that blame will promote systematic improvement, both on the individual and institutional levels, by increasing the likelihood that the blameworthy party will ‘own up’ to his or her mistake and apologise. While we agree that communicating regret and offering a genuine apology are critical steps to take when addressing patient harm, the idea that medical (...)
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    An AI ethics ‘David and Goliath’: value conflicts between large tech companies and their employees.Mark Ryan, Eleni Christodoulou, Josephina Antoniou & Kalypso Iordanou - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-16.
    Artificial intelligence ethics requires a united approach from policymakers, AI companies, and individuals, in the development, deployment, and use of these technologies. However, sometimes discussions can become fragmented because of the different levels of governance or because of different values, stakeholders, and actors involved. Recently, these conflicts became very visible, with such examples as the dismissal of AI ethics researcher Dr. Timnit Gebru from Google and the resignation of whistle-blower Frances Haugen from Facebook. Underpinning each debacle was a conflict between (...)
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    Understanding Stigmatisation: Results of a Qualitative Formative Study with Adolescents and Adults in DR Congo.Kim Hartog, Ruth M. H. Peters & Mark J. D. Jordans - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (2):805-828.
    While stigmatisation is universal, stigma research in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) is limited. LMIC stigma research predominantly concerns health-related stigma, primarily regarding HIV/AIDS or mental illness from an adult perspective. While there are commonalities in stigmatisation, there are also contextual differences. The aim of this study in DR Congo (DRC), as a formative part in the development of a common stigma reduction intervention, was to gain insight into the commonalities and differences of stigma drivers (triggers of stigmatisation), facilitators (factors (...)
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    John Freeman, hay fever and the origins of clinical allergy in Britain, 1900–1950.Mark Jackson - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (3):473-490.
    In 1911, Drs John Freeman and Leonard Noon published an account of a novel treatment for hay fever. Their method of desensitisation consisted of injecting increasing doses of an extract of pollen subcutaneously until the hypersensitivity reaction was diminished or abolished. Over subsequent decades, desensitisation established itself as the cornerstone of clinical allergy in both England and the United States, at least until the advent of novel pharmaceutical agents in the 1950s and 1960s. Although British allergists such as Noon and (...)
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  50. Social Knowledge and Supervenience Revisited.Mark Povich - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (5):1033-1043.
    Bird’s Essays in Collective Epistemology, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014) account of social knowledge denies that scientific social knowledge supervenes solely on the mental states of individuals. Lackey objects that SK cannot accommodate a knowledge-action principle and the role of group defeaters. I argue that Lackey’s knowledge-action principle is ambiguous. On one disambiguation, it is false; on the other, it is true but poses no threat to SK. Regarding group defeaters, I argue that there are at least two options available (...)
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